Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Push On McPie

So I have no idea why I got all insecure about blogging again and took a break (ya I'm aware how quickly i needed a break); even started questioning my own motives for blogging in the first place.  Then I began wondering if this is part of a greater pattern in the life of McPie?  I never really thought of myself as someone who doesn't finish what they start......but maybe I am.

I wrote a list:

When I was in the 2nd grade, I loved a series of books called Choose Your Own Adventure by R.A. Montgomery, I loved it so much that I talked about it...a lot.  So my parents (still married to each other at the time) thought it would be a good idea to write one myself (this was, in fact, a trick they used to get me to stop talking which they learned from my first grade teacher.  "McPie, why don't you write me a letter hmm?" said Mrs. Rabasa frustrated at the fact that McPie wouldn't stop talking while the rest of the class lay on their mats for nap time).  Anyhow, I did it, I wrote a Choose Your Own Adventure book.....well most of it anyway.  I actually distinctly remember NOT finishing it.  There was a competition (probably hosted by scholastic news), and my dad was going to help me submit my book, and I wouldn't finish it.  I was a very competitive child, so really I'm not sure what got into me.  Mom and Dad, if either of you saved that book by any chance......I'd love to see it.

In 6th grade, in shop class, I decided to make Fro NoFro a skateboard.......hahahahahahahaha

In high school I started knitting a blanket, even bought enough yarn for the whole thing........I finished 3 12"x12" squares....I needed 25....I still have it.


A few years ago, I became a giant yoga junky, it was amazing, I was going to 6 classes a week, I felt amazing, my giant ass was looking like a rather fit giant ass.  I stopped...I blamed it on money...load of crap.  Lady Shells, dear friends and yoga teacher, said I could take her classes whenever I want and she would never charge me....I still haven't gone back.  I saw Lady Shells last night...she reminded me of the free yoga offer, in fact she demanded I start showing up...I wonder what the odds are on that one.

Most recently , Sasa Wongstein and I wrote a script...we started in July, in August we had 10 pages left....now....we have 10 pages left...we have outlined those last 10 pages a million times, but we find every excuse in the book to not finish.  It is an amazing tween script by the by, with lots of action and plenty of good messages in case anyone is buying!

So here we are....I am the queen of sabotaging my own hobbies..what is that about?  I know that I hate the end of doing anything because it's freakin' scary (anyone who I have ever worked with on anything, project or film, knows the puddles of tears that soak my feet and theirs when the end is near).  I mean the end means that people will see things and judge them and compare and everything, and it means something new will start which can be exciting and daunting and anxiety inducing...I get it, it's obvious.  But hobbies?  Things that are for me don't get finished and I have no idea why.

Well I am continuing, with no plan to finish of course....definite plans for disappearing every now and again, but really that's my personality, I am phase driven I suppose.  I get inspired quickly, move on, and lose my inspiration....must talk about this with shrink ASAP.

p.s. Mr McPie and I are going to Vegas for the weekend, we have tickets to a concert.  2 days ago, I actually said "we don't have to go if you don't want to?".  Is this somehow related to my chronic hobby quitting I wonder?  I need to get a grip if anyone knows where I can get a cheap one.

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