So I McPie is a Banker this week...not really. That is completely a load but I am working with a bunch of them, and I get to do a lot of things with checks and numbers (in case I have never said this, I LOVE numbers, we are easy friends Numbers and I...but I hate
, I find them useless, unless of course I need the
of something...and lets face it, who the hell needs those). Anyhow, I am rediscovering how much I love doing tedious work and learning new computer programs, now I don't believe I would love it if it was all I did forever, but right now it's like heaven, and I do crap like this perfectly, and I impress people, and its such an ego boost and thank god for Daniele who I am temping for and is currently tanning in
! (I should also mention that Daniele has a giant bowl of
Jelly Bellies
on her desk, so people visit me all day long and I have to apologize because I ate all the pear and cotton candy flavored ones yesterday....really, I am sorry, not really)
* You will notice there are lots of links in this blog, the middles of my days at the bank are slow so I am learning tricks (not the magical kind clearly, just the lame attempts to make money kind).
Right now, I think it's good for me to have things to do besides the things I have been doing, and being a not-so-banker
gives me that. What would be really awesome is if every week I could be a different kind of not-so-something Something so I would be learning new strange things and be continuously busy, but unfortunately, starting next week, I will be in a much larger pool of people looking for not-so-something Something jobs because I will be heading home and home is much bigger than here. By the way, this is not to say that I am not excited to go home, well actually I am not excited to go home, but I am not NOT excited either, I'm just kinda like
wow, I'm going
home....but I live in a storage unit. (Actually I do, but I have somewhere fantastic to hunker down while I am getting ready for what is next).
When I get home, I am going to do so much yoga with Lady Shells, and I am going to get certified in a thing or two (not yoga....yet). And of course I am doing this because I want to make my resume look even more all over the place than it already I have to put not-so-banker Banker on there now too? Needless to say things in my life feel strange at the moment, I have come to terms with certain things that were freaking me out (like being kinda homeless) and other things I am still working through (like being kinda career-less amongst other things I am
less) but I am really trying to focus on the things that I am full of (like myself :-)).....I know that was so only half funny and I know how ironic it is too and so does
Alanis Morissette
of course...
p.s. Midge is flying in Friday night so she can drive home with me Saturday and I am really excited and grateful...I am full of wonderful people (if you are thinking what I think you are thinking than you are sick!)
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