So this morning, while doing my morning not-so-banker Banker work, one of my temporary co-workers asked me if I thought I might stay in town and I looked at him, cocked my head to the side, and said no I don't think so. He grinned and said no? And I said no, culturally this place isn't really going to work for me. Now I need to interrupt myself for a moment (I know my interrupting myself doesn't shock anyone who knows me, be grateful I'm not interrupting you right now as I have been told how terribly annoying it is on more than one occasion...I'm working on it) and say how the
two gentlemen
I work with most here are rather great guys, my supervisor, MAN G, and the other guy, MAN S. To continue, MAN S, the coworker who grinned said ya culturally this place is a little... (pause grin again) and I said ya, that's because of the church right (I swear I didn't interrupt him, he wasn't going to finish that sentence, you could tell)? and he said ya, I mean I'm part of the church but my parents raised me to be very open minded and for a lot of people they just think everyone outside of this bubble is crazy. And of course I replied ya, most people here would definitely think I am crazy, see I am
. MAN S than said really? and MAN G said really you are a Jew? your parents are Jewish? your not a Jew your not Jewish...I repeated that yes I am. Neither of these guys had an issue with me being Jewish but it was just a perfect example of how unlikely it is for a Jew (I McPie) to be in the "city" where I am right now, these people were in fact shocked to meet one.
I should also tell you I had a very similar conversation with a female temporary co-worker yesterday morning where she asked me where I was from and I said, I am from
Los Angeles
. She responded, wait did you say Los Angeles? I said yes. She said so you are from Los Angeles? I said yes again. She said so you aren't from here you are from Los Angeles? I said yes a third time and I kid you not it went on like this for two minutes. I couldn't tell if she thought I was part
or she couldn't believe that someone from Los Angeles would be in this town (this is shocking only in there is quite a
film industry
out here and you'd think everyone here would know that). I really don't know if all of this has to do with people in this town not being aware of the outside world (or closing their eyes to it) or if it is that people in this bank aren't aware of anything outside this building. I tend to go with the first option as I said, the two gentlemen I converse with most are very down to earth, they are also not from here.
Now, I need to make something clear, I am not trying to stereotype people from this town (I know I have never even said where it is, I only just said I was from Los Angeles for the first time). Through Mrs. Junior's work I have met some really cool locals, and I admit I was shocked that some of them had been born and raised here. But the truth is, the majority of this town's population does have a religous center in their lives and it is incredibly different from the
that play central roles in mine. This being said, and bringing it back to the beginning, if the thought of ever living here permanently did cross my mind at any point, it quickly crossed back to where it came from, this just isn't my place and my people aren't here...I'm sure of it.
p.s. Neither MAN G or MAN S were harmed in any way during my employment for the female co-worker...I can't say.
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