So as I was pulling out of the garage this morning, driving at a normal garage driving speed when some guy behind me honked at me, as if I wasn't driving fast enough I assume, which is ridiculous considering where I am currently living people drive like snails and I was in a GARAGE. So I McPie was instantly in a what the hell kinda day is this going to be mood. THEN i drove two blocks and heard an amazing conversation. I was at a stop light, windows down and I listened to a fantastic interaction between two homeless men sitting on the street right next to my car. The first guy says dumb dumbs, they are so stupid, all of them and the second guy says who and the the first guy says people. And then I thought about how I totally agree with the first homeless guy and how mean that is of me but I do have a mean streak even if hasn't reared it's ugly head in a while which I am shocked by considering the state I am in and the state that I am in.
I have been told on numerous occasions that I have a mean streak and my response is well it's because people are stupid, just like the homeless guy said. I do believe that people's level of intelligence should be based mostly on how they apply common sense in their every day lives, not on how much education they have. I am someone who constantly speaks with conviction, even when nine times out of ten I am wrong about what I am talking about, I don't believe this makes me an idiot (Snoop and I actually joke on a regular basis about how people should believe the exact opposite of what I say, even I know I am wrong....what? I am not lying, I actually do believe what I am saying, but I am never shocked when I find out I was wrong, is my point...). I know that people's versions of common sense are sometimes different than mine but this is where I become dumbfounded. For every action there is a reaction correct? So it is safe to assume that if you do something like say honk at me, I am going to react. Stick with me for a second, I will bring this circle around.
On this morning's occasion, my reaction was subtle, unnoticeable to the honker in fact, but had I stopped my car, gotten out and went to talk to the honker to ask what his problem was, he should not have been shocked, especially since I would have been incredibly sweet (I am a firm believer in killing people with kindness). The Honker (who in case it isn't clear I believe to be incredibly stupid) would have acted shocked I am sure and that is when I would become mean regardless of what his reasoning was. And by mean, after making sure I didn't see a gun anywhere in his car, I would have told him he is a jerk and a stupid person (and yes, I expect a reaction from that as well but I would have walked away, actually, I never would have gotten out of my car to talk to him because that in itself is stupid). I know that this didn't happen, and there is no way of knowing that the Honker would have acted shocked, I mean maybe he thought the back of my head was cute and he wanted me to get out of my car......what, the back of my head is cute, have you seen my curls? It is so dumb to honk at someone if you aren't trying to warn them that they are going to crash into you or someone else, it's just obnoxious. Yell with your windows up if you need to, but really stop honking it's stupid stupid stupid (yes it's possible that I am an awful driver and get honked at more than most people which is why I am so annoyed right now but report me, don't honk, everyone hears that and I promise it won't make me a better driver).
p.s. I think I may still be sore over this time when I was 16 and I was stopped to pull into a parallel parking spot on my street (I am an AMAZING parallel parker FYI), blinker on and plenty of space to go around me, when some crazy lady pulled up next to me, held her hand on her horn opened her window and yelled BITCH at me at the top of her lungs. I cried for hours, why the hell did that lady call me a bitch...she doesn't even know me. OK, ya, honking just brings back bad what you will....
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